Friday, 20 January 2012

A little light relief

Heaven knows, there's not much to laugh at in education at the moment so I wanted to share a thought that came up in a conversation with a colleague yesterday. I am working with a Free School in Birmingham and we were writing some of the quality assurance measures that we will need, particularly in respect of the school's religious character. Thoughts turned to self-evaluation, for which several schools are using my style of SEF.

We were reminded that the instruction to inspection teams is to accept a summary of the school's self-evaluation in whatever form the school chooses to present it.  In what form might that be, we wondered?  Could a choir school present it as a cantata?  Would The Brits School perform a musical? Could a school with a media specialism show the team a documentary? How would a language specialist school do it? Could they perhaps offer achievement in Russian, Behaviour in Italian, Teaching in French and Leadership in German?

Imagine the team rocking up at a specialist sports college to be presented with a summary of the school's self-evaluation in their own unique way? How might they do it? A Mars Bar for the least sensible answer.

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