Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Fighting for Religious Education - MPs coming on board

Religious Education is the only subject where kids get the chance to ask really deep questions about big issues. It's not, as the secularisers would have us believe, anything at all to do with brainwashing or evangelism. It's about learning about religions and beliefs because they are an important part of grown up society, shape life-styles and drive values. Whether it's a religious belief, a humanist view or the belief of an atheist.  Perhaps its the name that's misleading in the 21st Century and perhaps we should call it Religion and Beliefs (but not Ethics or Citizenship!)

And that's why we need to make sure that it is not collateral damage in Gove's curriculum reforms. RE needs to be in the Ebacc and it needs its statutory status strengthened.

I will never again criticise my MP, Helen Grant (Anne Widdecomb's successor) for any lack of support on this issue. Not only has she written of her support, she has written an article on the issue in our local newspaper and written to Gove. She has just telephone me to confirm her support. She believes that RE is important - as do many MPs on both sides of the House. So, Helen...thanks for your clear commitment, and welcome to the fight.